Sidney Peykar, M.D., F.A.C.C.

In July of 2007, Dr. Sidney Peykar began his practice of electrophysiology in Florida. Dr. Peykar spent considerable time and effort to establish the EP program including setting up equipment and training lab staff for complex arrhythmia ablation first in Charlotte County and then expanded his practice to Sarasota. His goal was to be the first to offer state of the art EP care for Southwest Florida.

Prior to his arrival there were no physicians performing his procedure in southwest Florida. Since then he has performed more than 5000 procedures and more than 3000 cardiac ablation‘s. He’s currently performing approximately 10 ablations a week.

With additional training at the Université Bordeaux, Hôpital Haut-Lévêque in Bordeaux, France- the world’s foremost institution for atrial fibrillation ablation-he performs the most advanced technique for cure of persistent (longer lasting) atrial fibrillation. (see

Dr. Peykar prides himself on offering not only technical expertise, but also a personal experience. A consultation with him involves aninteractive discussion about the causes of the arrhythmia, it’s possible solutions (both with medications and invasive procedures), and a frank discussion about possible risks. Patients rarely leave a visit with Dr. Peykar without detailed illustrations that he uses to clarify these issues.

All procedures that Dr. Peykar recommends and schedules are performed by him personally. His lab team is trained to support the cases, but as Dr. Peykar says, “My hands are the only ones on the catheter.” While this may seem obvious, it is in sharp contrast to some of the academic centers that patients are often referred to, where a fellow in training is performing the bulk of the invasive procedure under a senior physician’s hands-off supervision.

Sidney Peykar, M.D., F.A.C.C.

Fellow, American College of Cardiology
Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine, with subspecialty board certification in

Cardiovascular Disease

Clinical Caridac Electrophysiology

It’s Time to Take Control of Your AFib.

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